/* Rewrite Google Image Search result links to point directly at the images Patrick Cavit, pcavit@gmail.com http://patcavit.com Copy, use, modify, spread as you see fit. Massive thanks go out to Eric Hamiter, this code is just a quick modification of his extesion at http://roachfiend.com/ */ // ==UserScript== // @name Google Image Relinker // @namespace http://patcavit.com/greasemonkey // @description Rewrites Google Image Search links to point straight to the pictures // @include http://images.google.*/* // ==/UserScript== (function() { function selectNodes(doc, context, xpath) { var nodes = doc.evaluate(xpath, context, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null); var result = new Array( nodes.snapshotLength ); for (var x=0; x