Quicksilver Screen Capture Location

If you’re trying to change the Quicksilver Screen Capture Location, it can be tricky. By default these are stored on the Desktop. You can change the system defaults (using the tips below), which is what happens when you take a screenshot using cmd+shift+3 / cmd+shift+4. But Quicksilver does not acknowledge these changes / read the preferences.

You could just use the standard OS X key bindings for these. cmd+shift+3 for Capture Screen, cmd+shift+4 for Capture Region and cmd+shift+4 followed by space for Capture Window. The one advantage to the Quicksilver commands is that after they run, a new command window appears with the newly generated image selected as the object, ready for you to rename it or move it or do whatever you want.

Quicksilver Screen Capture Location

Changing the Screen Capture File Type (jpg/png/pdf/gif)

See http://www.jhuskisson.com/articles/changing-the-default-mac-screen-shot-image-type

How To Change The Default Screenshot Location on a Mac

When you do the basic Screenshot Command on a Mac the default location for the Screenshot to be saved is your desktop then you have to find them and put them into a Folder.

Well not anymore, by using a simple Terminal Command all your Screenshots can be placed into a Folder of your choice.

  1. First make a Folder on your Desktop or where ever you want to keep your Screenshot Folder, naming the Folder whatever you would like.
  2. Open your Terminal Window. Your Terminal can be found in Applications/Utilities on your Mac or found by going to the top right hand corner of your Screen and doing a search in Spotlight.
  3. Copy this defaults write com.apple.screencapture location
  4. Now Paste what you have copied into the Open Terminal Window
  5. Next Drag into the Open Terminal Window the Folder that you made to keep your Screenshots
  6. Once you have dragged your Folder into the Open Terminal Window you will see in Terminal a command line similar to this one – defaults write com.apple.screencapture location/Users/U2/Pictures/Screenshots
  7. This part of the Command line will be the same for everyone defaults write com.apple.screencapture location
  8. This part of the Command line will be different for everyone as it identifies the location of your Folder on your computer and the User name etc. /Users/U2/Pictures/Screenshots
  9. Now hit the Return on your Keyboard
  10. Close the Terminal Window
  11. Immediately restart your Computer
  12. Once you log back onto your Computer all your Screenshots should go directly to that new Folder that you just made!

How To Change the Default Location in Quicksilver

If you must change it in Quicksilver, you will need to download the plugin and recompile it. The path is hard coded into the plugin:


You can find the plugin in one of two places:

  • https://github.com/quicksilver/ScreenCapture-qsplugin
  • https://github.com/quicksilver/Plugins/tree/master/ScreenCapture

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