chef client linode ipaddress workaround

The current version of the opscode chef-server and chef-client have some issues with cloud data with linode based hosts.

It basically comes down to having a lot of nil values for the node attributes even though `` is not `nil` or `null`

This causes issues with many cookbooks which depend on these attributes being set – like nagios and mysql.

the attribute will return something like this:

=> {“public_ips”=>[“”], “private_ips”=>[nil], “public_ipv4″=>nil, “public_hostname”=>nil, “local_ipv4″=>nil, “local_hostname”=>nil, “provider”=>”linode”}

The linode ruby gem is what is not setting these attributes correctly.

The error may look like:

Compiled Resource:
# Declared in /var/chef/cache/cookbooks/nagios/definitions/nagios_conf.rb:29:in `block in from_file’

Or mysql may not start

The simplest workaround that I found was to look for the `linode.rb` file, which on Ubuntu is located somewhere like:


Next I commented out the functions to return if this is a linode node or not and instead added the false value:

# Identifies the linode cloud by preferring the hint, then
# Returns true or false
def looks_like_linode?
#hint?(‘linode’) || has_linode_kernel?

It is a one line change and can be removed later and/or will be removed by reinstalling the chef omnibus package again – hopefully by then this linode issue will be fixed.

Why this works:

A lot of recipes try to be smart and if a node is on a cloud platform they will try to use the internal network address instead of the external address and fancy things like that. This change tells it “hey – this is not a cloud platform” and so the public IP will be used instead of giving an hash that has nil values for internal and external addresses on linode.

Make sure to re-run chef-client after making this change.

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